Saturday, February 7, 2009

am i burnt?

  never • ever • go out during a heat wave. it sucks!

the current temperature now is 46ºc. Double the heat of malaysia. Penang temperature is currently 26ºc. So imagine the heat !!! 

i just went out with my group of friends, and .. i didn't liked the heat wave at all.. hahaha. the wind was blowing strong, but heat of the wind is the culprit to all this! it was burning hot seriously i tell you. i wanna write this down because probably no malaysians would ever face this again in their life. i was there to witness it! i was there to feel it ! 

seriously folks, avoid the heat wave. stay home please.. 

PS: i was carrying my sling bag with a huge bottle of water in it. the metal on my sling bag burnt my hand, causing a small scar. it was that hot... no joke. 

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